Absolute OpenBSD 2nd Edition is here!!!

by on May.20, 2013, under Computer Stuff, OpenBSD


Michael Lucas has done it again. In documenting arguably one of the driest topics on the planet, Mr. Lucas manages to add fun, trivia, and extremely useful knowledge of the OpenBSD team’s latest OS offering to an already excellent book. I read the first one 10 years ago or so, and this one is even better. The updated information on ProPolice, W^X, and the new PF features makes this book a no-brainer for *any* UNIX admin looking to add some extra security to his network, as well as a hobbyist who may be thinking of learning the ways of the shell.
As far as I’m concerned, chapters 21 and 22 were well worth the purchase price alone. If ANY member of the Princeton Area OpenBSD User’s Group would like to read this book, let me know, and I can get you a copy. My only request is that you post what you think of the book on this thread, so the fine folks at No Starch Press can see it, as they were kind enough to get us this advanced copy!

Mr. Lucas has auctioned the first (signed) copy to directly benefit the OpenBSD Project! Take a look here:

The URL for the auction was here:

HUGE thanks goes to Jessica Miller of No Starch Press for supplying us with an advanced copy! Thank You! It was a great book! :)


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