Come to Twin Cities TechPulse!

by on Mar.21, 2012, under Computer Stuff, Networking, Windows Info

Registration just opened for the annual Twin Cities TechPulse event Please register as soon as possible as it will fill quickly and there are limited spots available. I know you would enjoy this free event and would come away with some great information. This year if you bring a guest(s) who has never been before, we will give you an extra raffle ticket for each attendee to win one of the great prizes we will be giving away (iPads, Xbox, Laptops, LCD TVs, etc.) Just remember to have them register as a guest of SCC (Brian Hershey).

The event is April 17th in St Paul. It’s an educational event with break-out sessions covering different technology & business subjects along with a great keynote speaker, free breakfast & lunch and over $25,000 in prize giveaways.


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