OpenBSD 3.7 to 3.8 upgrade is *simple*
by Brian on Nov.06, 2005, under OpenBSD
I’ve just spent a few days out of town, and realised upon my return, that OpenBSD 3.8 has been released! yay!
I chose to use the “Upgrade without install media”,
not cause I couldn’t access the machine, but I can’t stand being in the server closet, standing there, installing something. waiting…
I should be able to supply the media, manually overwrite the system files, and re-boot to my new OS. (from the couch ; ) Well, now I can. (and I did!)
So, to begin, I verified that my 3.7-STABLE install was running all necessary patches, then followed this document found on OpenBSD’s site regarding upgrading from OpenBSD 3.7 to 3.8. It worked flawlessly, and now my dmesg happily reports:
OpenBSD 3.8 (PRINCETON) #0: Sun Nov 6 01:17:15 CST 2005 cpu0: Intel Pentium III ("GenuineIntel" 686-class, 128KB L2 cache) 565 MHz real mem = 132489216 (129384K) avail mem = 114262016 (111584K)