Tag: paravirtual

Upgrade from LSI Logic SAS adapter to VMWare Paravirtual on existing VM

by on May.25, 2021, under Computer Stuff, General Info, Linux, Windows Info

By default, when you add a hard drive to a VMWare virtual machine, the SCSI adapter default choice is LSI Logic SAS. For speed and optimization, the VMWare Paravirtual driver is the better choice. However, you need to have the driver installed in the guest OS before just flipping your controller to a new type. If you just change the controller type to VMWare Paravirtual, and the driver is not installed in the guest OS, your VM may not boot.

  1. Edit settings on the VM, and add a new SCSI controller to slot 1, selecting “VMWare Paravirtual” as the type.
  2. Add a 1gb disk to the VM, adding it to the new slot 1 controller you created in step 1.
  3. Check compmgmt.msc on the VM to ensure that you see the new SCSI controller driver under “Storage Controllers”
  4. Optionally, update the driver on the guest OS by searching online for an updated version. I found one from 2019.
  5. Shut the machine down, and edit settings again. Remove the 1gb disk you created earlier.
  6. Click on the old SCSI controller in slot 0 and expand it. Change the type to “VMware Paravirtual”
  7. Remove the additional SCSI controller added in step 1.
  8. Click OK, and boot the server again.
  9. Once the server is booted, it should report that it found and installed a new driver, (again) and will request a reboot.
  10. Reboot the server.

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