Windows Info
USB pass-thru in Virtualbox on a windows host
by Brian on Jun.22, 2011, under Windows Info
In order to make a USB device available to a Virtualbox guest, you need to have the device physically plugged into the VMhost, (the machine running Virtualbox Server) but it CANNOT BE MOUNTED. (I screamed that last part because it’s important.)
To do this, you’ll need to use the Windows diskpart command to disable automatic drive enumeration on a Windows server installation with the following commands:
automount disable
automount scrub
Now, reboot your VMHost, and Virtualbox will allow you to capture and use the USB device in the guest OS. And Robert remains your mother’s sister’s brother. ;)
Exchange server's internal name exposed in mail headers
by Brian on Jun.09, 2011, under Computer Stuff, Windows Info
For some reason, Microsoft’s default configuration for Exchange 2007 and 2010 exposes the internal server name in the mail headers, which causes most reverse-record-checking sites to bounce your email.
##EXCHANGE 2007##
To address this issue, you must remove the “NT AUTHORITYAnonymous Logon”? permissions from the send connector. Open the Exchange Management Shell, and do this:
>get-sendconnector (this will show the name of the send connector.)
>get-sendconnector <send CONNECTOR NAME>? | Remove-ADPermission -AccessRight ExtendedRight -ExtendedRights ms-Exch-Send-Headers-Routing? -user "NT AUTHORITYAnonymous Logon"
## EXCHANGE 2010##
1. Go to Exchange Management Console
2. Under Organization Configuration, select Hub Transport
3. Select Transport Rules, then “New Transport Rule”
Give the Rule a name, then set the following:
Conditions: Sent to Users Outside the organization
Remove Header: Received
Exceptions: None
Renew self-signed SSL certificate in SBS 2008
by Brian on May.10, 2011, under Windows Info
1. Go to the Windows SBS Console, click on Network Tab, then click the Connectivity Tab
2. Click on the certificate icon, then click the “view certificate properties” in the right pane. In the “General” tab of the new window, it will show the dates that the self-signed certificate is valid for.
3. In the “Connectivity Tasks” area, click “Set up your Internet address”, go through the wizard to renew your self-signed SSL certificate.
4. When you now check the certificate properties, you will see that it is now valid for another two more years.
Reset Blackberry BAS admin password
by Brian on Mar.02, 2011, under Networking, Windows Info
Fire up SQL management studio express, and run this query:
@DisplayName VARCHAR(256),
@Authentication VARCHAR(256),
@AuthenticatorTypeId INT,
@AuthenticatorInstanceId INT,
@ExternalAuthenticatorId VARCHAR(255),
@EncryptedPassword VARCHAR(256)
Start of editing required section
SET @DisplayName = ‘System Administrator’ — Display name (Not always used)
SET @Authentication = ‘BAS’ — ‘BAS’ for BAS authentication
SET @EncryptedPassword = ‘7B7ECF0DAF70D040345D8DD92607E274969F4BA5DFDFAEAC5DE775E5340CDF605D5762EC5D326498ADBE72E7434897025A8702D0237046F554DBCA5769B90154:7637B189’ — Encrypted string of password ‘blackberry’
End of editing required section
IF @Authentication LIKE ‘BAS’
SET @AuthenticatorTypeId = 0 — Set to 0 for BAS
SET @AuthenticatorInstanceId = 0 — Set to 0 for BAS
SET @ExternalAuthenticatorId = NULL
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM BASUsers WHERE LoginName = ‘admin’)
EXEC SetUpBASorADAuthentication @DisplayName, @AuthenticatorTypeId, @AuthenticatorInstanceId, @ExternalAuthenticatorId, @EncryptedPassword
SET LoginPassword = @EncryptedPassword
WHERE (LoginName = ‘admin’)
Just installed Virtualbox 4.0 on Ubuntu 10.10
by Brian on Feb.19, 2011, under Linux, Mac OSX, Networking, OpenBSD, Windows Info
1 Comment more...Check/Set Windows Server NTP configuration
by Brian on Jan.26, 2011, under General Info, Windows Info
net time /setsntp:",,"
net stop w32time
net start w32time
w32tm /resync
PCI Compliance and IIS 7
by Brian on Jan.14, 2010, under Windows Info
Need to determine if you are using weak ciphers in IIS?
Try SSLDigger, it’s a free utility from Foundstone.
Also, if you’re running Windows Server 2008, and want to just disable all weak ciphers, you can use these registry merge files.
Just merge them with your registry, and reboot. Here they are.
I should point out that just randomly merging registry files you've found on the Internet is a lot like eating a sandwich that you've found on the sidewalk. If you don't understand what you are doing, you may want to do a little research first. I can't help you if you destroy your servers with these files. You've been warned.
Outlook Recurring meeting problem
by Brian on Jan.14, 2010, under Windows Info
Shamelessly ripped from Slipstick: (thanks, guys)
If your Outlook seems possessed and turns all of your meeting requests into recurring meetings, you have a Dell laptop with MediaDirect.
There is a bug in the add-in that reads Outlook meetings so Media Direct’s Instant Office can display then without fully booting into Windows. You’ll need to uninstall it, or disable the add-in called “Outlook Setup Addin (Cyberlink)” to put an end to the errant recurring meetings.
Original post here:
Adding MIME types to IIS 6
by Brian on Jan.05, 2010, under Windows Info
Recently, a client had issues with Office 2007 documents turning (supposedly) into .zip files.
Apparently, the .docx and .xlsx formats are actually compressed XML files, and when IIS doesn’t have a MIME type for them in the MIME map, it passes them through as .zip files. This is problematic, to say the least.
When this happens, you can run the following script against the web server, and add the necessary MIME types to the map.
The original article where the script was found is here.
' This script adds the necessary Office 2007 MIME types to an IIS 6 Server.
' To use this script, just double-click or execute it from a command line.
' Running this script multiple times results in multiple entries in the
' IIS MimeMap so you should not run it more than once.
' Modified from
Dim MimeMapObj, MimeMapArray, MimeTypesToAddArray, WshShell, oExec
' Set the MIME types to be added
MimeTypesToAddArray = Array(".docm", "application/", _
".docx", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document", _
".dotm", "application/", _
".dotx", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template", _
".potm", "application/", _
".potx", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.template", _
".ppam", "application/", _
".ppsm", "application/", _
".ppsx", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideshow", _
".pptm", "application/", _
".pptx", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation", _
".sldm", "application/", _
".sldx", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slide", _
".xlam", "application/", _
".xlsb", "application/", _
".xlsm", "application/", _
".xlsx", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet", _
".xltm", "application/", _
".xltx", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.template")
' Get the mimemap object
Set MimeMapObj = GetObject("IIS://LocalHost/MimeMap")
' Call AddMimeType for every pair of extension/MIME type
For counter = 0 to UBound(MimeTypesToAddArray) Step 2
AddMimeType MimeTypesToAddArray(counter), MimeTypesToAddArray(counter+1)
' Create a Shell object
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
' Stop and Start the IIS Service
Set oExec = WshShell.Exec("net stop w3svc")
Do While oExec.Status = 0
WScript.Sleep 100
Set oExec = WshShell.Exec("net start w3svc")
Do While oExec.Status = 0
WScript.Sleep 100
Set oExec = Nothing
' Report status to user
WScript.Echo "Microsoft Office 2007 Document MIME types have been registered."
' AddMimeType Sub
Sub AddMimeType (Ext, MType)
' Get the mappings from the MimeMap property.
MimeMapArray = MimeMapObj.GetEx("MimeMap")
' Add a new mapping.
i = UBound(MimeMapArray) + 1
Redim Preserve MimeMapArray(i)
Set MimeMapArray(i) = CreateObject("MimeMap")
MimeMapArray(i).Extension = Ext
MimeMapArray(i).MimeType = MType
MimeMapObj.PutEx ADS_PROPERTY_UPDATE, "MimeMap", MimeMapArray
End Sub
Windows Profile Utility
by Brian on Dec.30, 2009, under Windows Info
Have you ever needed to move a workstation from one Active Directory domain to another, and retain all local user profile information for the new domain? It’s really a hassle. Sure, you can try Windows Easy Transfer, or File and Settings Transfer Wizard, but it’s a crap shoot as to whether or not it will work correctly… Recently, when a client’s SBS 2003 server died, and had to be replaced, a friend shared an *AWESOME* utility with me. (Thanks, Kevin.. I owe you one)
It’s called the “User Profile Wizard 3.0”, and is available for download from the fine folks at ForensIT here:
You can assign an old pre-existing profile to a new domain user, and the application handles all registry ACLs, SIDs, and can even join the new domain for you. You must have this tool in your arsenal, hurry and download before Microsoft buys it up.. :)