Recreating the Exchange 2013 Receive connectors

by on Feb.10, 2016, under Computer Stuff, Windows Info

Just in case you ever have to recreate the default receive connectors in Exchange 2013, here you go:

Default Client Front End Transport (FrontEnd Transport)
TLS, Basic, Integrated, Exchange users, port 587
Default Client Proxy (Hub Transport)
TLS, Basic, Offer Basic after TLS, Integrated, Exchange Server Auth, Exchange Servers, Exchange users, port 465
Default Front End Transport (FrontEnd Transport)
TLS, Basic, Offer Basic after TLS, Integrated, Exchange server auth, Exchange Servers, Legacy Exchange Servers, Anonymous Users, port 25
Default Hub Transport (hub transport)
TLS, Basic, Offer Basic after TLS, Integrated, Exchange Server Auth, Exchange Servers, Legacy, Exchange Users, port 2525
Default Outbound Proxy Frontend Transport (Frontend transport)
TLS, Enable domain security, Basic, Offer basic after TLS, integrated, Exchange server auth, exchange servers, anonymous, port 717

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