Everex Cloudbook wifid binary
by Brian Hershey on Jul.29, 2008, under Linux
If you have a little trouble enabling the WLAN card on your Cloudbook, you can use this binary to activate the power button for it.
Copy it into /usr/bin, then create a script to activate the button at system boot:
Put the following script here: /etc/init.d/wifi_power
#! /bin/sh
setkeycodes 6d 112
nohup /usr/bin/wifid &
exit 0
now run this command
update-rc.d wifi_power defaults
Now, the power button for your WLAN card will work.
Here’s the wifid binary from the Cloudbook gOS recovery ISO.
Alternatively, you *could* just download the ISO from Everex…
January 29th, 2010 on 5:07 pm
I have been looking for a solution for my wifi button for months to debrick this thing.
Thanks a bunch – it works!
January 30th, 2010 on 8:12 am
No problem, glad it helped you out…
May 9th, 2010 on 6:39 am
“Allow executing file as program” must be checked in the properties menu under the permissions tab. Took me ages to figure out why the steps above didn’t work for me and once I did this it was fine.
May 9th, 2010 on 6:39 am
My above comment is referring to the wifid binary.