Three words… Kung. Fu. Squirrels.
by Brian on Dec.11, 2008, under Amusement
Any interest in an OpenBSD how-to?
by Brian on Dec.06, 2008, under OpenBSD
I started writing an OpenBSD how-to regarding an all-in-one appliance solution some time ago.. (around the 3.4-RELEASE)
It started to seem really redundant, as OpenBSD is so thoroughly documented.
Is there any interest in seeing something like that?
I was thinking of something that could be used as your firewall, mail server, web server, as well as a VPN/DNS/DHCP/SSH/SFTP/FTP server.
We’ll set it up wiki-style, allowing edits.
So, any takers? Those asking questions and offering feedback will be encouraged to post…
Sorry.. the beach theme was just too big and clunky.
by Brian on Dec.05, 2008, under General Info
Leave a Comment :General Info more...Alpha 64-bit Flash player plugin for Linux
by Brian on Nov.28, 2008, under Linux
You can download it here:
Make sure that you uninstall any other version of flash player you’ve installed before trying to run the new one.
If you’re running Ubuntu, use the Synaptic Package Manager to search for and remove any previous versions of flash.
Then, just copy the to your plugins folder, on Ubuntu-8.10×64, this location is usually /usr/lib/mozilla or /usr/lib/firefox-{version}
Loads quickly, plays smoothly in full screen. Thanks, Adobe!
Putting Akismet to the test.
by Brian on Nov.27, 2008, under General Info
First, Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I hope you are all enjoying the day surrounded by loved ones.
Akismet is a community-based anti blog-spam solution used at CryptedNets. It really seems to work well, but this entire time, comments have been turned on only for authenticated users. In an effort to really test Akismet, I’m opening comments to the general public, to see if allowing anonymous comments is possible, without advertising for online pharmacies and such. ;)
So, we’ll see how it goes. If any of you account-bearing readers notice anything running away, feel free to let me know.
Happy Commenting! and Happy Thanksgiving!
girls really *do* have cooties… See?? Told ya…
by Brian on Nov.05, 2008, under Amusement
Interesting read from the Discovery Channel.
Girls carry more bacteria…
Asked if guys should worry about holding hands with girls, Knight said: “I guess it depends on which girl.”

Microsoft is working with Samba developers.
by Brian on Oct.26, 2008, under Windows Info
This one really surprises me. Microsoft, (albeit under court order) has begun working with Samba’s developers to ensure proper interoperability between Active Directory and Samba.
For those of you not familiar with it, Samba is the open source implementation of the Server Message Block protocol, also known as SMB. It’s a way for non-windows computers to communicate using Window’s native language, SMB.
This is really fantastic news, as the biggest reason that implementation of Linux or UNIX into a heterogeneous Windows environment is problematic at best is the lack of a single point of administration for user accounts.
(And, currently, AFAIK, there’s no built-in password synchronization to Active Directory for Linux and UNIX users. Sure, you can script it, but that’s messy…)
According to this article, Microsoft is treating the Samba developers as “Premium Support” customers, and cooperating fully, even devoting the resources of knowlegeable developers to answer relevant technical questions for the Samba team.
So Microsoft, THANK YOU!!!
Interoperability will benefit us all. Thanks for doing the right thing.
RAID 5, we hardly knew ye.
by Brian on Oct.21, 2008, under General Info
We all knew this day would come, when RAID 5 will cease to be. OK, maybe not all, but I had a sneaking suspicion that super-large hard drives would be the end of RAID 5.
Check out this article about it.
Oh, and start hinting around about a budget for a fiber-channel SAN, while you’re at it.
DRM-Free MP3s from
by Brian on Oct.03, 2008, under Amusement
2 Comments :Amusement more...I passed 000-078!!
by Brian on Sep.30, 2008, under General Info
I passed the 000-078 IBM BladeCenter v4 certification exam this afternoon.
This marks the 15th time I’ve pressed “Finish” at a Prometric testing facility.
All in all, this was the most difficult test I’ve taken, with the possible exception of the Microsoft ISA exam for my MCSE :Security & :Messaging.
So now, I have so many certs, they’d look silly all on a business card together at the same time!
So, just for grins, here’s what they look like all together:
Watchguard Certified Security Professional – Fireware
Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator 2003
Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator :Messaging
Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator :Security
Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer 2003
Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer :Messaging
Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer :Security
Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist – Windows Server 2008 (one test from MCITP)
IBM Certified Systems Specialist – IBM System x BladeCenter v4
Still working on EC Council’s CEH, and thinking of taking up CISSP.
Anyone have any input regarding certs you’ve achieved, or ones that have done your career no good whatsoever?